Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Exciting news!

Durm roll please....we are moving!  Many of you know that Josh is in the military and with the military comes moving.  I am pretty used to moving because my father and step-father were/are in the military.  It does not feel natural to stay in one place for more than four years...never lived anywhere more than five years at a time.  It was not easy as I got older infact when I started high school I told my parents I did not want to move during those four years.  Well I never moved high schools but I did move twice! 

Josh has been in for five years this coming Monday and this move will be the third base for us.  I am really happy that we will be moving closer to family....oh you might be wondering where it is we are moving to...Georgia.  We have family in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida...sorry grandma still not much closer to Indiana.  A five hour drive to my moms seems way better than a twenty-four hour drive! 

My one concern is Jackson.  He will be going into Kindergarden and with us moving so late in the summer I am not going to have much time to check out schools.  We are going to be going on a trip this summer and we are now going to add a stop and check everything out...but schools are normally closed.  So if anyone has any information about schools around Moody AFB in Valdosta, GA please pass it my way.

I hope we dont look like this:)


  1. Congrats...I am sure it will be nice to be closer to family :)

  2. Moving is exciting! My son will be starting K in the fall too.
