Thursday, April 1, 2010

Check these out!

Born in Mongolia, Bayarjargal, usually called “Bayar” for short, lives with his mother, father, and older brother Delgerjargal (“Degi”). Bayar is two years younger than Degi, who is very curious about (and slightly jealous of) his newborn brother. This baby’s good nature and easygoing personality make for some very funny brotherly interactions! Bayar’s family lives on their small family farm, where Bayar wanders around on his own from a very young age, playing with animals and exploring his surroundings – but his parents are never very far away.

Mari lives with her mother and father in Shibuya, a busy metropolitan area within Tokyo, at the center of all of the city’s noise and excitement. Mari is an only child and lives the contemporary urban lifestyle, walking around city streets when not in the family’s apartment that has a view of the city skyline. Mari loves to visit toy stores, play with the family’s pet cat, and go to baby play groups. In the movie, she is notable for her dramatic reactions to, and frustrations with, everyday life.

Ponijao lives in Namibia with her family, including her parents and eight older brothers and sisters. Ponijao’s family is part of the Himba tribe, and lives in a small village with other families, following traditions including speaking their own (Himba) language. The men in the Himba tribe are generally off looking after the cattle and searching for grass, so Ponijao is most often with her mother and other female relatives; she plays, eats, and is bathed through the traditional method of mixing concrete red ochre with oil. Ponijao’s favorite things to do are dance and play with other children in the tribe.

The TODAY Show features BABIES as "the movie trailer that makes hearts melt" and the trailer as "just under 3 minutes of pure pleasure". Featuring Jeff Gardere, Clinical Pschyologist giving his expert opinion of why it's so important for a movie like this to hit theatres now

I think it is really cool to see how different cultures raise there children.  Different in many ways but still in some way the same.  I am writing this post for BuzzAgent and the movie BABIES. Click on the pictures or video above and it helps me in a will also take you to more information and the fourth baby in the movie!  I cant wait to see the whole movie!

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